namazu-2.0.17 kakasi-2.3.4
namazuのインストール % gzip -dc namazu-2.0.16.tar.gz | tar xvf - % cd namazu-2.0.16 % ./configure % make % su # make install
kakasiのインストール % gzip -dc kakasi-2.3.4.tar.gz | tar xvf - % cd kakasi-2.3.4 % ./configure % make % su # make install但し、このインストール中エラーが発生し、以下のような指示が表示された。
configure: error: you need to install the included File-MMagic first The simplest way to install File-MMagic is: % cd File-MMagic % perl Makefile.PL % make % su # make install Then, simply run configure again. % cd .. % ./configure Or you can install File-MMagic to your home directory by the following way % cd File-MMagic ExtUtils::MakeMaker older % perl Makefile.PL LIB=/var/home/egi/lib INSTALLMAN3DIR=/var/home/egi/ma ExtUtils::MakeMaker newer % perl Makefile.PL LIB=/var/home/egi/lib INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=/var/home/egman % make % make install Then, run configure again with --with-pmdir=DIR option. % cd .. % ./configure --with-pmdir=/var/home/egi/lib